Now, I feel I actually did it properly, because I walked from Taupo along the bank of the river to get to them. I'm probably making it sound dangerous and daring, but there is a proper path. It's only 3km, but the others we're too wussy to do it and went in the car. Which was useful 'cos they gave me a lift back!
The photo above are the falls proper, below is the channel that lead to them...

...which, when you are actually there, is probably more impressive.
There is a bridge, quite a sturdy looking bridge, I thought, over the falls to afford the tourist a good vantage point. And I felt quite happy about being on it until I saw this man mending it with a tile adhesive gun...

I kid you not.
Anyway, not uploading more at this internet cafe, cos they fleece you per megabyte instead of per 15 minutes like everywhere else does.
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