It was beautiful, and we would have had a lovely view of it from the apartment, but...
Perhaps that's why we got the reduced rate...
Anyway, we spent the morning today in Taupo. I went to the Museum and Art Gallery, where you weren't supposed to take photos, but I knew my dad would find this interesting, so I did anyway. The woman at the desk was about 95 and an ex-primary school teacher so I don't think she noticed.

I will wait for a comment from my Dad to tell me what it is. Model name and number etc. (My Dad is ex-Post Office Telephones and BT and will know these things..!)
Also today, been to the Aratiatia Dam and a big geothermal power station. OK, so I promised not to mention geothermal again, but it's so difficult here...
I'll put pictures of those up when I have time.
My mum (74) gets an a+ and e-.
On seeing the Carole Decker line she remarked "isn't that the singer who was in t'pau" A+.
She then could not see the blindingly obvious similarity between t'pau (cheesy 80's popsters with decker syndrome i.e. we think we are more famous than we really are) and taupo. E-.
As you all can see it is a switchboard. Although the photo is not good enough for my eyes to see the detail it looks like an "eyeball" with a keyshelf and connecting cords. The holes "squares" at the top are for the storage of "dockets". the lights that indicate a call are called "opals". Just a very brief decription. The Board looks restored and it looks in good condition
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