24 August 2005

NZ +27 (UK -2): The Tram Experience

Remember seeing the tram in Christchurch in earlier posts?

Well, we finally got round to going on it today. The ticket you buy gives you 2 full days of unlimited travel on the tram. Useful on two accounts...

  1. This is the only day we could've bought the ticket when we couldn't make full use of it.
  2. The tram ride takes about 10 minutes in total and covers a rectangle about 1km by a quarter of a km, so the word "unlimited" is fairly redundant anyway.

But, this is what Sandra ("I will be your driver today...") looks like from the back...

...and this is the view in the other direction...

Shortly after this photo was taken, 6 middle-aged American women got on and started talking about Desperate Housewives so loudly that Sandra earwigged and nearly lost control of the tram. (Can that actually happen?) When we next stopped, Sandra came out to talk to them and had all the Dana/Zak/Mary Alice/Bree's husband/Mama Solice details revealed to her within 2 minutes. They are only on episode 5 in NZ.

Vern, the conductor, who you can see strap-hanging above, was unimpressed.

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